Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Blog law

Newspapers and other media outlets are not the only one's that have to adapt to the Internet to survive this new media age.

Personal injury lawyers are also turning to the web to not only "inform," but to advertise their services.

One such lawyer-turned-blogger, Christopher F. Earley, has at least three blogs that offer "information and a general understanding of the law." There is a disclaimer on his sites that warn readers that the blog is for "educational purposes only" and "not to provide specific legal advice."

One of Earley's blogs, simply titled "Massachusetts Personal Injury Blog," is a little misleading. The personal injury blog reads more like his other blog, "Massachusetts Auto Accident Blog." Both blogs do provide legal insight that is pretty random and not timed to any recent news event. For example, some posts on the personal injury blog deal with truck accident statistics and myths about traffic tickets. Also, both blogs haven't been updated in about a month or so.

His third blog, which also hasn't been updated recently, is a little more focused. The "Massachusetts Slip and Fall Information Blog" does exactly what it says - provides legal information to those who have slipped and/or fallen.

There's no signal as to where Earley went or why he stopped, but he is still licensed in the state as a lawyer and has no record of discipline. Maybe the blogs worked so well as an advertising tool he became too busy to keep up with them?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are really interesting blogs form Early. Good work by him.
I need the educational blogs from Canada. Can you get them here?